the digital band

boreta, ooah, edIT, kraddy

four guys on keyboards does not a band make, but when they’re laptop keyboards it’s a whole new breed of musical act.

last night the glitch mob dutifully slayed the LA crowd at the kingking on hollywood blvd. it was the first time in a long time (too long) that all four members played together. with half the band based in san francisco and half in l.a., plus a highly modular performance aspect, getting to hear the whole ensemble together is a significant treat, and for reasons beyond simple logistics.

in a genre known for solitary performers (djs), or, at most, duos (daft punk, justice, juniorsenior) a dynamic team of performers creating the music experience is practically unheard of.

i’m betting this new incarnation of a “band” for digital age is a sign of things to come.

and since you’re curious, check out the mob’s mix on

the mob’s girls friday–me with their booking agent, arin ingraham of lumineart:


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