the inaccessible becomes palatable

Downtown and upscale meet underground–not figuratively, I mean, the actual venue itself is below ground level. Lucent nights at the Edison made the LA Times Guide section:

Lucent Dossier

Berlin in the 1920s. London in the swinging ’60s. Los Angeles in 2008?

Believe it: seductive and wild nights are right here in L.A., if you know where to look.

Bi-monthly “happenings” at downtown bar, The Edison, have been drawing ever-increasing crowds to see performance art troupe Lucent Dossier Vaudeville Cirque dance, sing, and parade about in all their costume finery since the crew began its residency in April.

Those in the know are even becoming regulars every other Wednesday; dressing up to the nines (be sure to check the photo gallery) to become part of the show.

As evidenced by their large-scale performances at this year’s Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, Lucent Dossier can be a fairly large ensemble, so seeing them up close and personal in the Edison is a unique experience: the chic, post-industrial Edison bar makes a strange brew with Lucent Dossier’s sensual, fantastical performers – some of whom hang from the rafters inside the bar and mingle with the patrons. Lucent’s upscale-Burning Man vibe is not as sophisticated as the Edison’s regular crowd, and that’s part of the magic. Sharing a cocktail with fire dancers, aerial silk performers, belly dancers, contortionists, burlesque girls and daring “actors” puts a whole new spin on downtown bar culture.


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Just came across a great article in Fast Company about Obscura last night. Many of the Do LaB’s collaborators and friends from the El Circo collective work with this San Francisco multimedia design lab that Fast Company likens to “an alternate universe dreamed up by someone who’s been mainlining Pixy Stix.”

[Obscura] create[s] visual spaces and displays so groundbreaking that other design studios not only can’t emulate them, they never would have conjured them in the first place. The largest projection dome on the planet, equipped with a real-time video stream? A 10-story, 60,000-lumen projection of a Michael Graves painting? If you can dream it up on an acid trip, Obscura can reproduce it — on a seismic scale. The company’s engineers have devised software programs that seamlessly combine images from multiple hi-def projectors, making mathematical corrections to account for irregular screening surfaces (a complex image given a fish-eye tweak, for instance, will look appropriately flat when projected onto a curved wall). The proprietary algorithms that drive these programs allow the team to display virtually any image on any surface — a brick building, a jumbo jet, or the hood and windshield of a new Saturn hybrid — with no distortion. “We’re into the immersive experience. It’s a holodeck kind of thing,” Connolly says, referring to the computer-simulated architecture first imagined in Star Trek. “I can turn this room into the south of France. I can turn this pillar into a waterfall.”

….As Obscura grew, Threlkel played the Pied Piper, convincing a motley crew of builders from Oregon to move to the Bay Area and construct über-domes, jumbo touch displays, and other fantastical video-projection treatments. “In 2000, I was running my family business in Oregon, Pacific Domes,” says Chris Lejeune, Obscura’s head of production. “Travis’s first project with Obscura involved surround projection, so he called me up and we hit it off. I was intending to move to San Francisco anyway, so the timing was perfect.” Lejeune and his building crew, who call themselves G-Bohs (for gypsy bohemians), feature dreadlocks, multiple piercings, and a postapocalyptic style. But their guiding ethos is straightforward: Failure is impossible.

In part, the G-Boh work ethic is based on a code of having one another’s back. “We’ve been working together longer than Obscura’s been around,” Matty Dowlen says. “We’re a family.” But it’s also a testament to the genuine respect they have for Threlkel and Connolly’s vision. Says Dowlen: “There’s a sense that we’re building something unique and beautiful. Yeah, we do work for corporations, but we’re giving them a piece of what we love.”

“In the past, it was either products or services, black or white, but there may be this evolving hybrid where we can do both,” Connolly says. “Right now, it’s like we’re a Labrador retriever in a room full of tennis balls, and we can’t stop picking them up.”

And what, really, is so wrong with going after every ball? The Obscura crew is reveling in the moment. “We’re so booked right now it’s crazy,” Connolly says. “Last week, I went from Detroit to Dubai, then to Minneapolis. I was in, like, five different time zones. I just heard from a guy who owns one of the world’s largest megayachts — he wants us to go out there and do a multimedia retrofit of the entire vessel” — complete with touch whiteboards that will serve as a digital concierge to manage everything from GPS to weather mapping, not to mention popcorn delivery to an onboard theater (total price: $10 million). “How frickin’ James Bond ’80s is that, man?!” At moments like these, it’s clear that Obscura’s 10-year plan — or lack thereof — is utterly beside the point.

Whole Story HERE>>

Best part about the piece was how refreshing it is to see the culture take a backseat to the actual creative work. I’ve seen so much stuff written about organizations that involve this culture paint its output not as the results of intensely talented individuals and creative teams, but as if it were some kind of bizarre or untouchable or, worst of all, elitist statement. The reality of excited, dedicated, innovative creators, just doing what they do, without the imposition of some cultural divide, is a welcome departure.

Though I gotta admit, “Failure Is Impossible” totally sounds like a fantastic superhero tagline.


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Sagrada ~ june 12th (SF)

The Do LaB’s longtime friends and collaborators Shrine and TukTuk (who built the wonderful trash teahouse at LIB this year) are the masterminds behind Basura Sagrada, the team building the 2008 Temple at Burning Man, and the name for the temple itself.

This Thursday at DNA Lounge in San Frnacisco they will be hosting a fundraiser for this immense undertaking. If you are in that city, you should be at this great event.

For tickets, please visit

For more information about the Basura Sagrada temple project, visit


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the glitch mob at lightning in a bottle 2008

in real life, this was one of the most unbelievable views i’d ever seen.


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the do lab at coachella 08
by aaron gautschi (as are most of these, unless otherwise noted).

by JeanineAnderson

by JediWright


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